Dating someone with self harm scars
Dating > Dating someone with self harm scars
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Dating > Dating someone with self harm scars
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Click on link to view: ※ Dating someone with self harm scars - Link ※ Amy1989 ♥ Profile
Just sitting with them can do a world of good. I also am not sure how anyone comes up with the idea on their own, considering bleeding out is against the principle of survival; and most lifeforms are pretty intent on not dying. It's fairly unlikely that simply by me talking to her about it that it will make it all better, I'm sure she has actual close friends who she can share this stuff with. Many people, of all ages, self-harm yes, even — the act is far more common than most people believe.
I feel pretty conflicted. Tell us a little about yourself to get started. After all, you must be sweltering in long sleeves.
Would you date someone with scars from self-injury? - If you are having trouble with answering questions about your self-harm scars and dating, however, here are some general guidelines that I find to be helpful.
Awwww I had freinds like this they freaked out when I notice I try to get them to stop. I do not see why it would make you care ant less. Its about the person not thier habits. I also knew people with mentel illneses and still thier freinds. I do not see why anyone would be so cruel. They may have issues but they need love too and your exceptance may be the last thing keeping them on earth as many of these people become scuicidal. I don't know to be honest. It depends on many factors. If they no longer self harm and were totally in good mental health then yes, maybe. It isn't a good idea to get into a relationship with someone who is going through a bad mental health stage. A relationship will not help them, even if they think it will. They need to be alone to work things out for themselves. In all honesty, the self dating someone with self harm scars thing is a bit of a turn off for me. It only seems to be a certain group or stereotype who do this thing. I know they might be feeling down but I don't think self harm is the resort. I know a lot of people do self harm for genuine reasons because it's the only way they can find for release. But then we get these emo types who do it just because they find it cool and the done thing, which is quite offensive to those who feel they need to self harm for genuine reasons. But then if you are in bad mental health, a relationship will make it worse. It'll be too much responsibility. You do need someone to confide in like a parent, good friend or counsellor, just like I did when I went through depression. A relationship has to be based on equal give and take and when your mental health isn't so good, you aren't able to give so much because you have to heal yourself. They are your lover, not your saviour. I came out a four year long depression as soon as I came out a year long relationship. He couldn't handle my breakdowns. And I don't think it's a coincidence that as soon as he let me go I started to get better. Being made single was the best thing anyone ever did for me. What if they have no freinds I think they need more then doctors. You do not reject them like that and that is how they will take it. They need to be treated like humans not monsters! Just becuase I will not abandon this kind of person deosnt mean Im child. Also if you want my age read it.